WHITINSVILLE, Massachusetts – On Monday, July 11th, three female First Tee Massachusetts participants got the opportunity to play in the annual Mother Daughter / Member Junior Tournament at Whitinsville Golf Course. For the second year, First Tee teamed up to deliver a unique experience for some of the program participants, a chance to play in a competitive event with women who have experience playing tournament golf. The opportunity to mentor these young women came from the female members of Mass Golf’s Board of Directors as an opportunity to create stronger connections with the youth development program that the organization supports, not to mention, to grow the game with younger generations. Sarah Forbes, member of the Board of Directors and chair of the First Tee Committee was joined by fellow Board member Joanne Gagnon as well as Nora Patton and Cheryl Kruger from Orchards Golf Club.
“What an amazing experience. I loved having the opportunity for a second year to spend time on the course getting to know one of our First Tee girls. Our goal was to have fun and we succeeded! We also got to enjoy playing golf together in a relaxed environment on a great course. I was so impressed with all of the First Tee girls who joined us.” said committee member Sarah Forbes. “It can be intimidating to play with someone you don’t know. But once you take that leap, you realize that it isn’t as scary as you think and you open the door to so many wonderful opportunities. They were amazing – lots of smiles, great conversations as well as some excellent golf swings and putts.”

First Tee Massachusetts started as a way to bring an affordable junior golf program to youth and communities that did not have them. What First Tee soon discovered was that by blending the rules of the game with life and leadership skills, kids and teens didn’t just learn how to putt – they were learning important values. Mass Golf currently offers programming at seven program locations across the Bay State.
“It was great to have three of our female participants out here with a few dedicated female volunteer leaders today,” said Allyson Mollung, Program Manager for First Tee Massachusetts. “They’re playing some awesome golf, making some great connections and just having fun. Having the girls out here helps them get more comfortable with the game and allows them to really build their confidence as female golfers.”

The three young women from First Tee Massachusetts came from different program locations around the state and have not had the opportunity to meet one another until today. Representing their respective parts of the state, it became very evident that the skills and core values from First Tee were utilized out on the course to make for a fun and competitive day of golf.
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Visit firstteemass.org and follow @FirstTeeMass on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information on First Tee Massachusetts events.