NORTON, Massachusetts – Mass Golf is pleased to announce that
First Tee Massachusetts and
Youth on Course, two programs that are committed to growing the game and teaching intrinsic values of the game to young children and teenagers, will be partnering together to provide even more opportunity to young golfers in the Bay State.
Effective as of May 2021, First Tee Massachusetts participants who have reached Birdie level or above and register for a First Tee class at that level will automatically be enrolled into a Youth on Course membership for the remainder of 2021 at no additional charge.
“We are very excited to partner our First Tee program with Youth on Course as we continue to make golf more affordable and accessible to young players across the state,” said Kyle Harris, Director of Operations of First Tee Massachusetts. “The goals of First Tee and YOC align perfectly, so it’s a natural fit. We also felt this was a great way to reward the First Tee participants who have worked their way to the Birdie level, while offering another incentive to our younger players to remain engaged with the program and our Life Skills Curriculum.”

First Tee is an international youth development organization focused on introducing the game of golf to youth, while also tying in the inherent values that come with the game to its participants. Mass Golf and First Tee have been partners for nearly 20 years with seven on-course locations across the state for children and teens to learn. Through its
nine core values and
healthy habits, First Tee is committed to helping children and young teens learn the game of golf, while also building game changers. The program develops life skills that last well beyond the golf course and develop more confident and goal-oriented individuals.
Similarly, Youth on Course aims to provide affordable golf course access to young golfers throughout the Bay State. Golfers between the ages of 6-18 can obtain an annual membership for $15 that allows them to play at any of the 29 participating golf courses in the state for just $5 per round. A membership with Youth on Course also includes all the same great benefits as a Mass Golf membership. YOC helps young golfers develop well beyond the green with expanded opportunities aside from affordable golf course access. Through YOC, participants can become involved in paid summer internship programs, leadership council, caddie programs and several more opportunities that will set individuals up for future success.
Through the new partnership, First Tee participants will have the opportunity to get on the golf course and practice the skills they are learning, all while maintaining an affordable price.

“I think this is just a perfect marriage for two quality, successful programs that complement each other,” said Jesse Menachem, Mass Golf’s Executive Director/CEO. “We’ve been with First Tee for almost 20 years, and adding Youth on Course just a few years ago, it was for the reasons to support juniors, to support our First Tee participants, and to provide access where they may not have it for a very affordable price point.”
Under the umbrella of Mass Golf, Youth on Course and First Tee are fully supported by the association. Youth on Course, the newer of the two programs, has seen tremendous growth in participation over its short existence.
When the program came to Massachusetts in 2019, 400 participants played over 1,000 rounds of golf. Last year, those figures jumped to 2,000 participants playing 6,000 rounds of golf.
“We’re seeing an incredible trajectory. We’re seeing that the program works, it’s vibrant and we’re hoping to continue to build off of that,” Menachem said. “That ties into First Tee growth, where we have our sights set on adding program locations in different pockets of the state to make sure we’re able to keep up with demand and interest and ensuring that it truly is a statewide program.”
Parents who are interested in getting their children involved in either First Tee or Youth on Course can read more about both programs on .